2012 Thoughts:

November 14, 2009

Let’s talk about what we know IS going to, or all ready is happening:

Astronomers point out that there WILL be a galactic alignment. This means that the Sun will be in the center of the universe for the first time in 26,000 years.

Climate Scientists point out that there MAY be a polar shift because of the SUN Spots, or Sun Disease as some call it.

Scientists, Researchers and Politicians – are concerned about the changes in the climate.  It is changing dramatically, climate change, global warming: call it whatever you want for whatever political reason you want, the fact is, that things are changing, rapidly. It has been the coldest winter in the west for a very long time, some point out that this couldn’t possibly be “Global Warming!” because it’s cold.

The fact remains that the climate is behaving very strangely.

Philosophers and Quantum Physicists say that the human race is evolving in its consciousness. There is one agreement, that humans have amazing potential with in them. Our society responds by creating movies like: The Secret, What the Bleep Down the Rabbit Hole, and Conversations with God.    They say, that human consciousness is one of the most powerful energies in the universe.

Ancient Philosopy, Prophesy: Nostradamus, The Mayans, The Chinese and many others all agree that 2012 will be the beginning of the “Change.” 

The People are experiencing things that are beyond comprehension. Completely amazing and unexplainable things.  People are exhibiting real frustration about being told what to believe, who to marry, what they can and cannot do and what they did or did not see by the government.  The people are starting to understand the invisible cage they have been put in and are ready to resist that. 

The Politicians are seeing the end of their power. Politicians don’t like to lose their power. This, I believe is the most dangerous change.

Take it or leave it, 2012 is going to be very interesting.

2012 Daphnes’ Full Review

November 14, 2009

I had to see it, I had to.  I’ve been obsessed with 2012 and the Mayan Calendar for over a year now.  It’s such a good mystery.  Hollywood gave it delicious pictures with hero Jon Cusack! Mr. Cusack performed like a full-on Movie-Star.  2012 is a glorious effects movie. 

This is story about a family who runs away from Armageddon in a limousine, an RV and a ratty old 4-seater plane, that somehow survived the chaos that killed the pilot and off we go to Hollywood’s version of the end of the world.  There is a blatant ad by Bentley. There are many instances in this movie that are completely beyond belief that it turns around to ridiculous, at least six times.  There are tongue-in-cheek moments, such as giving a certain actor a bit part playing the Governor of California.  It reminded me of Day After Tomorrow, but more massive, it’s the entire world. 

My favorite line was “When they say don’t panic, it’s time to run.”  Not deep, not good, but the effects are amazing and did I mention Jon Cusack?

Health Care is a DisTraCtiOn!

August 11, 2009

As I write this, Barack Obama is talking about his health care plan.  People are really angry about this issue, from abortion to euthanasia.  The people have finally been given a chance to speak out and the entire Democratic Congress is totally fucking it up.  GOD damn-it!  However, I think the manufactured town-hall meeting bullshit is a distraction to what’s really going on:  This what I am currently paying attention to.  I hope you will take 5 minutes to at least “scan” them.

Swine Flu Pandemic Emergency Plans


The soldier in Afganistan “shotverfit”


North American Union


Reinventing Collapse

A book I’m reading – by Dmitri Orlov.

National Police


Something wicked this way comes…. get ready people.


Namaste Barack Obama

August 11, 2009

My friend Sally said to me today, “I never thought I would live to see the day where a President says, “Namaste” three times in less than three minutes.  Namaste means: “The light in me honors the light in you.”   President Obama came to Denver yesterday to sign the Stimulus Bill and to talk about Renewable Energy.

The Company representing the Solar Industry in Sunny Colorado was Namaste Solar.  Colorado is making great strides on being the national leaders in Renewable Energy.  It’s an exciting feeling being here for it.

This was posted on February 12, 2008.

New American Dream

February 18, 2009

There’s a new web site you must check out: it’s called The New American Dream – its a compilation of alternative theories and believers of all kinds.

DNC Report from the street 8/Pictures

September 3, 2008

My PT DNC SD is healing nicely.  I’m just about recovered.  Here’s the pics I promised:  I shouldn’t take pictures





DNC Report from the street 7

August 29, 2008

DNC Report from the street 7

All of my technological equipment can sense fear. This is why I was not able to get one single picture at Invesco Field last night.

I had been sitting around all day thinking about my sore feet and tired body from running around constantly for the past 6 days and feeling self righteously bad about myself. I woke up late, I ate lunch, I did a few dishes, and I looked at the heap in my office that was a beautiful booth the day before and wondered if there was any chance to get a ticket for Invesco. I really wanted to go. The purpose of my blog is to cover both sides of this situation. What good is it if I can’t get into that? I had no hope and needed change. (=

At 3:15 a friend called to tell me that he had 2 tickets he wouldn’t be using and would I want them. I was too depressed to try and drive the 30 miles back and forth to his house in the midst of the lock-down of Denver and said, “No, but thank you for thinking of me.” I couldn’t believe it when I heard my self say that. I slumped back into position.

At 3:30 a friend called who got 2 tickets from a table she worked at the Brown Palace. She said, “What are you doing right now this minute?” “Writing my blog” I said. “Well, get dressed and come down here we’re going to see Obama.” She said. That, I could do! All I had to do was to hop on the bus and I’m there in 20 minutes. Which is exactly what happened. By the time I got to The Brown, my friend had left. Leaving my ticket with the door guy. At first I was so pissed off I’m sure the guys thought I was going to pass out. But then I thought this is fine. I know she is totally excited about Barrack Obama and the busses were infrequent enough to want to get your ass there as quickly as possible. I’ve known this girl for about 20 years. I knew what was going on.

This ticket also served as a bus pass. I got a luxury ride on a Coach that had AC and only about 10 people on it. They had to be media, they were beautiful people and chatty about all the political seasons major events. They were funny too. I took the opportunity to relax and enjoy the cool air and the most unusual tour of Denver. The north/west-end of Denver has developed into a hip-urban playground for grown ups who have dogs and children. Again today the weather was perfect.

Denver has been compared to the city of Oz, as in, The Wizard of… and if you come down 6th Avenue from the West at Sunset, you have to blink to get that image of your mind. (How Oompa Loopma does Hickenlooper sound?) With this convention here it has actually become OZ, complete with SURRENDER signs in the air and the man behind the curtain. If only I had a brain, a heart, the nerve.

We wound and wound around the yellow brick road to Invesco Field at Mile High. I have never been there before. Did you know that that stadium opened on September 10, 2001? Humph. My Media friends and me got off and got to the gate and joined the crowd. We were led into a big tent where security was. It was just like the airport except more efficient and professional. They were checking every thing in every bag, through the walk-through sensor and a wand. I got to keep my shoes on. In the gate. They arranged to have East High School Drum Corps greet us. That was awesome. I looked around and watched the protesters across the street put up their strategically placed, “No War On Iran” signs and went inside.

Of course, it was madness, that’s the theme of the week. I decided to get a sandwich, hit the bathroom and find my seat. I went to my section, which was marked as first level on the 50-yard line, in front of the stage. Wow. Cool. This is going to be fun. Nope. No seats there. With a history in ticketing I understand what a nightmare this had to be to get people in seats on time. I was really patient through the first three turn aways and the really rude “No’s!” I got from the people I asked if there was an extra seat around. So, I went upstairs, this is when I realized how truly tired I was and wanted to cry. I got to two more sections on the 3rd level and just wanted to sit in the hall at that point. I finally got a seat. 6th time’s a charm. I heard Sheryl Crow as I was searching for my place in the world, and after I sat down, I heard Stevie Wonder tell me, “I love you.” I sat and watched the spectacle. I missed Bill Richardson except to hear him say “Si Se Puede!” and later on Al Gore came on, my favorite line of his was, “I believe in recycling but this is ridiculous” talking about McCain following the Bush Regime Policies. It started to get dark. The lights changed. A short introduction and a few minutes later he walked on down that runway. From my perspective he looked like a stick figure but the big screens gave me details. An earth-quake of enthusiasm ensued!

We all had our blue “CHANGE” signs and our American Flags to wave. I noticed that every single seat from top to bottom was full. Last number was 84,000 were packed into that place and it was loud and fun and crazy. Barrack Obama said, “I accept your nomination.” Oh thank god, I was so worried. You all saw the speech I’m sure, if you didn’t I’m sure it will be broadcast all day long somewhere between John McCain’s news of picking a woman for VP. You gotta give it to McCain for his taste in amazing looking women.

The fireworks were fun, the streamers flew out and Joe Biden and Wife came out as well as Michelle and the girls. The crowd went wild. They screamed constantly for at least 5 minutes. More fireworks, more and more streamers and that was it. Get out.

The march out of the stadium was tedious and dark and long. Remember, not one person drove to the stadium. I was supposed to find Parking Lot A to get back on my cushy coach ride, but that was impossible. I had to go with the hoards of people and was swept away to the light rail. A little girl about 6 years old offered me a ticket for the train. Her Mom told me that it was an extra. Wow, a free train ticket from a child. How lucky am I? Although I think the idea was to get people out and am not sure if RTD was charging or not. That got me to the 16th Street Mall where I went back to The Brown Palace and got a cab. The driver was Afghani and told me about the wedding that got attacked and how horrible it was.

The DNC is officially over. Two very large military helicopters just flew over my house. Peace, Love and Justice for all.

P.S. My last blog will be all pictures that I haven’t been able to send before.

DNC Report from the street 6

August 29, 2008
Report from the street 6

I’ve spent all my spare time this week on scraping together what I can to create a beautiful booth at a Delegate party. I was invited to be a part of this as they are “featuring” green businesses from the community. Supposedly Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi and Al Gore are going to be there and will be speaking. Two of those people I actually like. I think you must know by now that I can’t stand her! Impeach already, dang.

Pepsi CO is putting on the delegate party. The guests will be enjoying Pepsi and Frito Lay’s at this glorious event of 3000 people. Colorado Green Weddings and Events is my company. It was born in 2006. The tag line for it is: “We plan it for the planet!” I am creating an educational booth on what elements make green events. They are all in one of three categories: reduce, reuse, and recycle. The colors are deep brown, tan, maroon and grass green. I’m going to have a 20’ x 20’ square space indicated by 4 –9’ tall cotton wood trees, some potted ornamental grass and shrubbery – all locally grown – thank you Steve Rozic at Welby Gardens. I will have a gorgeous place setting with little notes with “Green Tips” for your event. There will be a turf/grass floor and a giant banner – 7’ x 5’ of a postcard that I use for promotions.

The Green Challenge Tava event is from 1-3:30 pm and hopefully it will be a load of fun. I was asked to give away 5 prizes. I am giving away a DNC/DENVER survival kit. It is a biodegradable, 100 USA made, coffee cup with a small natural lotion and toner in it. I would want this prize if I just came into town. Denver is dry and the climate is a bit of a challenge for the “low-landers.”

The event was yesterday at the Denver Hyatt, A new and very fancy hotel downtown.

My friend came over at 8 am to help me get loaded up and we get to the Hyatt. Traffic was not a huge problem today, but Denver is looking like New York with all the town cars and cabs everywhere. When we drove by Lincoln Park I noticed that the set up for The Taste of Colorado has begun. The gates are up surrounding the perimeter as it always is for that event. Is this a sign that there will be a life after the DNC?

We got to the hotel, were asked to open the hood and the back and were swept for security. A mirror under the car, some wands looking for something sinister, quick checks on the boxes etc. We are allowed into the loading area. We unload everything on to the dock. I saw my friend who was doing centerpieces and he showed us where we were to go. Thankfully, when we got there, a bunch of kids were volunteering and helped us to move all of our stuff in. Great kids. They were runners and pages from DC – between the ages of 16 – 20, they said they were with the “chairman’s office.” One of them has a future in horticulture. Go ahead Marcus! We put him in charge of arranging the plants so that they are balanced looking. He not only did it; he did a fantastic job. A gift has been discovered in this young man.






The booth looked amazing:

Everyone was ready to go at 1:00 pm, but nobody came. No Gore, no Dean and no Pelosi, for that matter, no DELEGATES! Apparently the delegates had a major schedule change and were shepherded into the Convention Center for a vote. I blame Hillary. Get over it already lady, you lost, fair and square and even though you tried to be nice the other day, nobody believes you. Uh-oh, there goes my ego. This party was a flop, but I can’t really blame Mrs. Rodham Clinton for it.

There were a few people that wandered in, I don’t know who they were. The room looked amazing with an ice sculpture, a 5-piece band, chips and cheese buffets, 20 volunteers, cases and cases of the “Tava” drink and no partiers. I was disappointed but my friend Amy and I had fun watching the band and eating cheese and crackers. We gave the DNC Gifts to the band and the organizer. We packed up and got out of there.

We had some time to walk around downtown. It was packed, all of downtown was bustling, elbow to elbow crowds. We did see some anarchists that got stopped by Mounted Robo Cops. That was exciting. The energy here is high. It’s stressful, it’s stimulating, and there is something in the air that I would like to call repressed rage. On the Huffington Post today it was called, “Repressed Hate.” They were talking about Hillary, but I’m talking about all the people who are walking around with signs and fliers who are bursting at the seams about Abortion, Women’s Rights, Freedom of Speech, Civil Liberties, The Economy, Healthcare, Elections, Capitalism, the Two Party system, Health Care, Child Care, Pensions, Housing Crisis and many more.

If I hear one more person say, “First Black President, I’m going to have a cow. Can we please move beyond that and start getting some things done? I will give extra credit to anyone who can tell me what number John McCain would be in the long line of white men who have run for President for the Republican Party? Every issue, every person has something they want to tell you about. Everyone seems so furious and intent on having his or her say. This thing has gone from a party to an intervention. It’s still hilarious to see the tee shirt, cacky pants and flip-flop walkers in the midst of major media, people in suits; almost everyone is wearing a huge credential badge. Everyone is intently reading everything they can or are trying to convince someone of something. Is it because this is the Democratic National Convention? Is it because the population really wants to see change? It’s Obama-Mania. It all ends tonight. Traffic Advisory: Both Colfax and I-25 are closed all day. Good luck getting out of town.

I got a phone call yesterday telling me that the Recreate 68 booth is done and wont be back. The cops, my god the cops. They are now arresting people at their homes. They raided the convergence center. Hey! They weren’t supposed to do that! One person got arrested at home for having “suspicious material in large quantities.” It was vegetable oil that he was using to fuel his Bio diesel school bus. You walk the walk and make a decision to operate your life on an alternative and you get arrested for it. What the f….!? My rage is no longer suppressed.

I suppose the DNC had to happen and I think Denver has done what nobody thought they could. They pulled it off. The city looks sophisticated and except for the police presence from hell, this is actually working.

Random Thoughts:

  • There was a guy selling tee shirts that had a ½ Barack and ½ Hillary face; we called it “Broccoli”
  • I’ve noticed that we’ve been saying “Pepsi” a lot. Does that make Obama Pepsi and McCain Coke?

Things we would not have heard on the street at the 1968 DNC:

“It’s dot com, not dot net.”

My blog

Let me put my blue-tooth in my ear

Live Video Streaming

Free Speech Zone/Amendment Two Zone, Freedom Cage

Recreate 68

War on Terror

Drug War

Partial Birth Abortion.

Stem Cells

Levi’s’ are made in India

Budweiser has been sold to Belgium

CORRECTIONS: It’s “Martial Law” and “it’s for all intent and purpose.” (Former blog)

 Things have changed, and not always for the better. Barack Obama has a tall order ahead of him.

OMG someone just called me with a ticket!  Gotta go.



DNC Reports from the Street 5

August 26, 2008

DNC Report from the street 5

I’m exhausted today. I was going to get downtown by 9 this morning, but since I spent 4 hours witnessing the detaining of 200 protesters and ended up caught in a run because someone thought tear gas was coming, I just can’t get there and I have a booth at a delegate party tomorrow. Weird. I was sent a terrific description of what happened last night so I’m going to cut and paste that here: (P.S. I was in the park ½ hour before the storm troopers moved in but I saw them and just somehow knew it wasn’t like the day before.) I’m glad I got out. I’m not sure if my pictures are any good either.  Peace – not facsim!


Those are mounted police at 9:00 pm. 

When we went downtown after working the Recreate 68 table for a few hours, we found that the mall was packed with people.  I’ve never seen such a bustle in Denver before.  We got to sit at outside at a restaurant for an hour to people watch.  Madness.  The one thing that’s become very interesting about this experience is that everyone here has something in common to talk about.  People are talking to anyone around them about what’s going on.  I met a girl on my way to find my friends who just wanted someone to walk around with.  She was looking for a party to go to.  She wanted Obama Buttons for her nephew.  So, I find my friends, good bye to my new friend. 

On our way back to the park, the cops created a barracade so nobody could cross the street (I think it was Arapahoe).  Please know that there always the cops, I’m not just obssesed with them, they are literally everywhere and in packs all the time.)  (Rumors: Motorcade or Anarchists were on the way)  We were held on the mall with hundreds of other people just standing there with 80 or so robo-cops in riot gear pumping up their rubber bullet guns.  We noticed they had big tear gas cans – at least a foot long hanging off their belts and the endless blue plastic hand-cuffs.  This wasn’t a rally, this was on the 16th street mall with revelers and democrats wandering around town looking for something to do.  Waves of cops walked by.  We heard them barking orders and they would all simutaneously do something, like put gas masks on for example.  All of a sudden the DNC isn’t fun anymore.  Everywhere you go, official convention or not, we’re all treated like criminals and terrorists.  This town is practically under marshall law.  For all intensive purposes, it is.  Lockdown.  I’m starting to hate it.  I’m starting to wonder what the hell they are so afraid of from the people.  This is ridiculous, over-reaction from hell.  I hope Mayor Hickelooper is somehow getting this blog.  Maybe I’ll send it to him.  The phone number for the Mayor and the Governor are below, if you have a reaction to this facist police state, let them know.

Here’s what happend last night while lovely Michelle and her beautiful daughters were telling their story at the fancy airconditioned podium.  I thought Teddy K looked great; didn’t you?  I was glad he could be here.

For photos and more information, see:



[Denver, CO] – Glenn Spagnuolo, one of the main organizers of Recreate68,
was interviewed on Peter Boyles on KHOW radio Tuesday morning about the
pepper bullet incident on Monday. You can listen to the full interviews

Glenn said that the incident last night started around 5:30pm, when
heavily-armed police in SWAT gear began making random sweeps through Civic
Center Park, harassing people sitting in the grass by poking them with
nightsticks and telling them to get up and leave. Glenn complained several
times to the protester’s police liaison, and the police would stop the
harassment, just to start it again a few minutes later. He said that
happened about 4 or 5 times. Glenn said some of the kids in the park became
annoyed and formed a circle and started chanting “No Justice, No Peace” and
put bandanas on their faces. He said that the police got worked up and came
in pretty heavy and opened up with pepper spray and pepper bullets into the
crowd without warning. The police chased the crowd through the park
towards 15th and Cleveland, where there was another line of police waiting
to surround the people running from the police and prevent them from
leaving. Glenn says the police surrounded the crowd, which included
frightened and crying children, and began pushing them back and crushing
the crowd together. He said they were detained for well over an hour.

With their heavy-handed tactics and lack of warning to the crowds, the
police clearly were trying to provoke violence from the crowd. There had
been over 2 days of peaceful protests up until this incident. Instead of
trying to arrest the trouble-makers without endangering others, the police
chose to react by firing pepper bullet guns, pepper spray and tear gas into
groups of innocent bystanders without warning and rounding up crowds of
innocent people and detaining them for over an hour.

In other incidents of police harassment, Cindy Sheehan, an antiwar activist
running for office against Nancy Pelosi, returned to her hotel room in
Denver yesterday to find a man trying to plant a bug in her telephone.

According to Glenn Spagnuolo, the police had been stopping and searching
the cars of Recreate68 and Unconventional Action activists near their
convergence center north of downtown.

Another report on colorado.indymedia.org states that 5 members of the
Solidarity Radical Library and Revolutionary Center from Lawrence, Kansas
were arrested Monday in Denver without any reason.

Other activists reported heavy intimidation and harassment by roving gangs
of heavily-armed law enforcement officers in the Civic Center Park Festival
of Democracy and elsewhere in Denver.

Please call the officials below and tell them to stop the harassment of
antiwar activists by police. Forward this announcement to your friends. We
need to let the city of Denver know that the “The Whole World is Watching!”

Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper
Phone: 720-865-9000 (Denver 311)
Ask for the Mayor’s Office

Colorado Governor Bill Ritter
Phone: (303) 866-2471
They say it’s the Mayor’s responsibility, not theirs, but they still need
to feel the heat.

DNC Report from the Street 4

August 25, 2008


DNC Reports from the street 4

I got downtown today at about 12:30 or 1:00 pm. Yes; I took the 15, no crack today. I went over to Civic Center Park looking for the blue tent. Uh-oh, there are 150 tents downtown now, and represent a wide variety of businesses, Obama Supporters, t-shirt/button sellers, non-profits and all kinds of Obama stuff. There were pro-war right wing people hanging out on the corner. Hundreds and hundreds of people were walking around. Except for a tornado in Parker (30 miles south of Denver) the weather has been stunningly beautiful as it always is in Denver this time of year.

I missed the End the Occupation March, but heard it was great. A friend is sending pictures. After a quick loop through the many booths I found Recreate 68 booth. It was in the same spot as yesterday. I spent a couple of hours talking to people before it got really juicy. There had been a “take back the streets” march today. Young and brave people wearing all black and barreling through town. What a sight to see. There were about 500 – 1000 of them and they were going where they wanted to go and their goal was so shut down the street to express their need for freedom. When they got to Broadway – a block away from Lincoln, a spectacle appeared. The police moved in. They were on Horseback, Bicycles and on foot in full riot gear with the blue handcuffs strapped to their belts. I would say there were about 50 police officers. It was formidable and they got there and gathered in less than 5 minutes. The protesters took the street. They stayed there for over the 5 minutes promised to them. Guess what? Nothing happened. Everyone did what they were supposed to do and although the imagery of the police state was terrifying, it stayed very calm, noisy, but calm. We were worried about Tear gas. They stayed strong both protesters and cops. Nobody did anything stupid, at all. It was amazing. Then the protesters walked across the street and through Lincoln Park over to Lincoln Street. The same scene repeated itself. I got a couple of good shots mostly showing how 9 – 12 police are holding on to the side of a Blazer in full riot gear.

There are certain things that must happen here. The protesters must have the space to tell their story and the cops have to be there because that’s their assignment. The police presence was overwhelming, but the composure was appreciated. What can they do? Their reputation is as much on the line as ours is. The Mayor has made a point of making sure that this can happen and that nobody gets hurt. It’s part of the process and none of this should be a surprise. The two party system is not working and if we’re going to preserve what’s left of America, it’s critical that these movements continue.

On my way home I stopped at Rite Aid to pick up some milk and the cashier was part of the independent Latino media. He showed me pictures from the media party at Elitches on Saturday Night. They had a great time. Everything was free and you couldn’t “lose” a game, they won Stuffed Donkey’s with Denver 2008 T-shirts at the games. He told me that he had a blast!

Random thoughts:

I think the Obama art is really cool. It’s colorful and interesting and acknowledges the pulse of modern day America. John McCain insists on the old school name in a box technique.

I spent an hour or so with a friend of a friend at the Red Room on Colfax and he was with Queers against Capitalism! One of their people was arrested today. He was trying to find out where he was taken but didn’t find out. The Lawyers are looking for this person and will hopefully get some help.

Food Not Bombs was out today. They gave out vegetarian Fajitas.

Come up to Denver sent me the Highlights for Monday: Come downtown! It’s a trip.

All day
3pm: Music program starts
Downtown Festival of Democracy
Civic Center Park



All day
Tent State University
Cuernavaca Park
20th Street and I25 along the S. Platte River

All day
We Are Change and 9/11 Truth
Gates Crescent Park
1901 Children’s Museum DR, Denver, CO

All day
Progressive Democrats of America Headquarters
Central Presbyterian Church, 1660 Sherman St., Denver, CO

Freedom Cage Street Theatre with Recreate68
Street theater at the freedom cage (designated protest area) need
Start: Skyline Park on the 16th Street Mall
End: Freedom Cage at the Pepsi Center. If you cherish your civil liberties,
than you should be apart of this event!

Freedom March from Civic Center to Fed. Courthouse
Begin: Civic Center Park
End: Araj Federal Courthouse, 1929 Stout
Kathleen Cleaver, Fred Hampton, Jr., supporters of Leonard Peltier,
recording from Mumia Abu-Jamal on death row and others will speak

5:00 pm
Shake Your Money Maker Protest
The Denver Mint Building
Encircle Denver Mint
Bring noisemakers, energy, spells, magic, costumes, anything that gives you
power. We’ll need it!

5:00 pm – 7:00pm
Code Pink: Make Out Not War Aerial Image
Cuernavaca Park
A visual representation of peace and justice with thousands of others! Wear
light colored clothing. Fabulous musical performances by Betsy Rose, Rachel
Bagby, Morley and more. Pink Badge of Courage Awards presented to amazing
women for peace.